SSC CGL 2018 EXAM PAPER : Held on 04-June-2019 Shift-1 - Ccc online gyan

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रविवार, 2 मई 2021

SSC CGL 2018 EXAM PAPER : Held on 04-June-2019 Shift-1

 (General Awareness)

Q.1 ' Thoda' a sport dance belongs to which of the following states?

1. Sikkim

2. Haryana

3. Himachal Pradesh

4. Andhra Pradesh

Correct Answer : . Himachal Pradesh

Q.2 Which country was the first to implement Goods and Services Tax (GST)?

1. France

2. Germany

3. Canada

4. USA

Correct Answer : France

Q.3 इकोनॉमिस्ट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट रिपोर्ट  'वर्ल्ड वाइड कॉस्ट ऑफ़ लिविंग; सर्वे  2019' के अनुसार  , निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा शहर भारत के तीन सबसे सस्ते  शहर में  से एक नहीं  है?

1. चेन्नई 

2. मुंबई 

3. नई दिल्ली 

4. बंगाल 

Correct Answer : मुंबई 

Q.4 The Tata Iron and Steel company (TISCO) was established by Dorabji Tata in:

1. 1911

2. 1907

3. 1913

4. 1919

Correct Answer : 1907

Q.5 Who was the first female Director General of Police in Puducherry?

1. Kiran Bedi

2. Kanchan Choudhary

3. Sundari Nanda

4. Aswathy Tonge

Correct Answer : Sundari Nanda

Q.6 Which gas in its solid state is also known as dry ice?

1. Carbon dioxide

2. Hydrogen

3. Nitrogen

4. Oxygen

Correct Answer : Carbon dioxide

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Q.7 The Malimath Committee Report deals with:

1. judicial delays

2. stock market reforms

3. textile sector reforms

4. criminal justice system reforms

Correct Answer :  criminal justice system reforms

SSC CGL 2019 Question Paper,

Q.8 The Indian National Association was established in 1876 by ______ in Calcutta.

1. V K Chiplunkar

2. Anand Mohan Bose

3. Sisir Kumar Ghosh

4. Badruddin Tyabji

Correct Answer : Anand Mohan Bose

Q.9 Which of the following places was ruled by the Wadiyar dynasty?

1. Guwahati

2. Patna

3. Jabalpur

4. Mysore

Correct Answer : Mysore

Q.10 Which of the following elements is a metalloid?

1. Silicon

2. Bismuth

3. Tin

4. Phosphorus

Correct Answer : Silicon

Q.11 Methyl propane is an isomer of:

1. n-pentane

2. n-butane

3. n-propane

4. n-hexane

Correct Answer : n-butane

Q.12 Name the first ever judge of the Supreme Court against whom the motion of impeachment was introduced into Parliament in Independent India.

1. Justice Mahajan

2. Justice Subba Rao

3. Justice Viraswami

4. Justice Ramaswami

Correct Answer : Justice Ramaswami

Q.13 Sundari, a well known species of trees, is found in:

1. tropical deciduous forests

2. mangrove forests

3. Himalayan mountains

4. tropical rainforests

Correct Answer : mangrove forests

Q.14 Which of the following is mined in the Badampahar mines of Odisha?

1. Bauxite

2. Dolomite

3. Azurite

4. Hematite

Correct Answer :  Hematite

Q.15 Which queen died fighting Mughal armies while defending Garha Katanga in 1564?

1. Rani Durgavati

2. Rani Ahilyabai

3. Rani Rudrambara

4. Rani Avantibai

Correct Answer : Rani Durgavati

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Q.16 Who attacked and looted the famous Somnath temple in 1026 AD?

1. Mahmud of Ghazni

2. Muhammad Ghori

3. Nadir Shah

4. Genghis Khan

Correct Answer : Mahmud of Ghazni

Q.17 The property of catenation is predominant in_______.

1. silicon

2. nitrogen

3. sulphur

4. carbon

Correct Answer : carbon

Q.18 .बुरी आत्माओं को भागने के लिए बौद्धों द्वारा किया जाने वाला ___नृत्य हिमाचल प्रदेश के नृत्य का एक  रूप में है 

1. नाट्य 

2. धाम

3. छम

4. गोगरा

Correct Answer : छम

Q.19 मूसी  तथा भीमा ____ नदी  की  सहायक नदियां है 





Correct Answer : कृष्णा 

Q.20 जे जे थॉमसन को ____ की  खोज के लिए भौतकी  में  नोबेल पुरस्कार  प्राप्त  हुआ।

1. प्रोट्रान 

2. इलेक्ट्रान 

3. न्युट्रान 

4. पॉज़िट्रॉन्स 

Correct Answer : इलेक्ट्रान 

Q.21. __________ फेसबकु के संस्थापक है ।

1. जिमि वेल्स 

2. मार्क जुकरबर्ग 

3. ब्रायन ऐक्टन 

4. लैरी  पेज

Correct Answer : मार्क जुकरबर्ग 

SSC CGL Question paper PDF,

Q.22 मार्च , 2019 मनोहर पर्रिकर के नधन के बाद गोवा के नए मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में शपथ ली ?

1. वसुंधरा  राजे

2. अशोक गहलोत

3. प्रमोद सावंत

4. एच डी कुमारस्वामी 

Correct Answer : प्रमोद सावंत

Q.23 ओलंपक काउंसिल ऑफ एशिया (ओसीए) ने ____ को 2018 में हटाए जाने के बाद हांजो, चीन में आयोजित होने वाले एशयाई खेल, 2022 में फिर से शुरू  करने का फैसला किया हैI

1. फ़ुटबॉल

2. वॉलीबॉल

3. फेंसिंग 

4. क्रिकेट 

Correct Answer : क्रिकेट 

SSC CGL previous year Paper,

Q.24 The ____ edition of the India-Indonesia coordinated patrol (IND-INDO CORPAT) held from 19 March to 4th April 2019 was inaugurated at Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

1. 23rd

2. 45th

3. 33rd

4. 42nd

Correct Answer : 33rd

Q.25 The lone gold medal for India was won by ____________ at the 38th GeeBee Boxing Tournament held at Helsinki, Finland.

1. Naveen Kumar

2. Kavinder Singh Bisht

3. Shiva Thapa

4. Mohammed Hussamuddin

Correct Answer : Kavinder Singh Bisht

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